この贈呈には,3月3日から31日まで同博物館で開催された展覧会「五人五行 〜伝統と改新〜」の実施に対する感謝の意が込められている。宮田亮平氏,三田村有純氏,齋藤典彦氏,溝口墨道氏,河内君平氏の35点に及ぶ作品がアスタナの芸術愛好家の前に披露された。作品には,書道,日本画,水墨画,金属工芸,漆藝といった日本の伝統芸術に対する巨匠達の現代的な視点が反映されている。 「本展覧会に出展された芸術作品には,日本文化に内在する東洋哲学の高い技術と美的感性が明確に表現されている。今回の展覧会は,両国の文化的対話と文化的な関係の発展のきっかけである。今度はカザフスタンが日本の展示場や博物館で自国の芸術を紹介できるかもしれない」とダルハン・ムィンバイ博物館館長は述べた。 9点の作品には,この東京芸術大学学長である宮田亮平氏の作品も含まれている。同氏は,オリンピック組織委員会「東京2020」の委員長(当館注:正しくは,エンブレム委員会委員長)及び今上天皇の二人目の孫である佳子さまの成人式用ティアラを審査する特別委員会委員長を務めた。 なお,本展覧会は,国際交流基金,カザフ芸術大学,アジア太平洋芸術家協会及び在カザフスタン日本国大使館の後援のもと開催された。 |
Photo 1. The Professor of Tokyo University of the Arts Saito Norihiko is handing the calligraphy ≪Hibiki≫ of the President of Tokyo University of the Arts ? Mr. Miyata Ryohei to the director of the National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan ? Mr. Myngbay Darkhan |
Photo 2. The exhibition closing ceremony Conference --hall of the National Museum of Kazakhstan - (31 st of March 2016) |
Photos 3-4 . The exhibitions opening ceremony - temporary hall of National Museum of Kazakhstan (3 rd March 2016) |
Photos 5. The speech in the opening ceremony of the President of Asia Pacific Ink Drawing Association ? Mr, Mizogichi Bokudo |
Five Artists - Five Elements: the traditions and innovation≫ Сontemporary Japanese artists exhibition (Introduction article of Gaini Mukhtarova from the exhibition catalogue) Purposes of the exhibition: to introduce Kazakhstani audience with contemporary Japanese art and to promote friendly relations between two countries through cultural exchange and dialogue. The figure five stated in the title of the exhibition has a symbolic meaning. First of all, in this exhibition are presented works of five famous contemporary artists of Japan. In second five elements - symbolize five elements such as the earth, water, fire, wood and metal, which were mentioned in ancient East philosophy. Due to these five basic elements occurs a chain of mutual-origination and mutual-interaction of the universe. The essence of Japanese culture is nature-philosophic, nature and humans are seen indivisible from each other, and this attitude finds its beautiful expression in works of aforementioned artists. All five artists create their works by using only natural materials. Miyata Ryohei as a metal artist works with metal and fire, Mitamura Arisumi creates products of decorative- applied arts from wood and lacquer, Norihiko Saito creates Nihonga Japanese paintings by using minerals, quartz, shells; artists Mizoguchi Bokudo and Kawachi Kunpei in their turn, by using ink and water create works of calligraphy and ink painting. Five artists are: Professor Miyata Ryohei, the President of Tokyo University of the Arts, who presents to Kazakhstani audience his works in fine plastic, which are made from metal, Professor Mitamura Arisumi ? the Assistant to the President of Tokyo University of the Arts, is presenting his works in decorative lacquer art, Norihiko Saito, Professorof Tokyo University of the Arts introduces his works in traditional Japanese style painting “Nihonga”, Mizoguchi Bokudo, President of Asia-Pacific Ink Artists Association, exhibits his creative works in ink painting genre and Professor of Daito Bunka University Kawachi Kunpei who is presenting in this exhibition his calligraphy works. All five artists came out from traditional schools of Japanese art, but have succeeded in creating their own recognizable handwriting and in creation of contemporary works of arts at a global scale. Five artists are presenting a contemporary art of country of the rising sun. Japanese artists are continue to create in this time a new forms in art, keeping a continuity of national traditions. In their works without any contradiction, harmoniously combine traditions and innovation, thus, classical and modern become one single entity. Tradition in arts - is a professional mastery with the technique and adherence to a given tradition in a certain area or direction, in the broadest sense - a treasury of accumulated by many centuries experience, which is continuously has been transmitted from generation to generation throughout the centuries. In ancient times, people from the East were in contact with the Eurasian continent. Cultural exchange always had taken place, however, each culture remains unique and identic. Japanese artists continue to create new forms of arts, however, at the same time, they preserve continuity of national traditions. The uniqueness of the exhibition is that the viewer can see the depth of traditions in Japanese art from the universal position. Humans are united from the point of view of history and the creation of the world. Thus, it is important to be able deeply understand, respect and value each other`s cultures. Artists express their respect to the history and traditions of two countries. While realizing a keen interest in Japanese art and culture from the side of Kazakhstani audience five Japanese artists are cordially presenting this exhibition and express their hope on further development and strengthening of friendly relations and establishment of cultural bridges between Japan and Kazakhstan. Mukhtarova Gaini candidate of philosophical science, Kazakh National University of the Arts, Docent of the department ≪Scenography and decorative art≫, Visiting researcher of the Tokyo University of the Arts |
Photo 6. The exhibition co-organizer speech: Mukhtarova Gaini - docent of the department ≪Scenography and decorative art≫ of Kazakh National University of the Arts |
Photo 7. During the exhibition |